Studio VIII (Urban Studio)
Studio VIII, known as Urban Studio, introduces students to urban design to develop an understanding of contexts larger than a single building and its immediate surroundings. This studio marks a shift in the architect's response and design process, emphasizing the responsibility of designers not just to their clients, but to the broader population—past, present, and future—who are stakeholders in our collective built environment. As such, our efforts are seen as creating the physical infrastructure of collective life, accommodating the needs of a diverse population. This task underscores the complexity of urban design projects, which must consider the social, political, economic, and physical structures and systems of a specific site, including its immediate environment and the city in which it is located. The goal of this studio is to create spaces that are just, livable, inspiring, meaningful, beautiful, and inclusive.
White engaged deeply in this studio by forming a team to develop an urban proposal for the city of Brookhaven, Georgia. Through a series of precedent research, site analysis, initial proposals, and final proposals, White and his team devised a complex plan focused on transportation, recreational activities, and events, aiming to foster a strong sense of community. This project will feature a competition held by Kennesaw State University's College of Architecture and Construction Management. In the end, there will be one prize given out to the team, issued by Sizemore Group.
Spring 2023