Environmental Technology I progresses from an investigation of the physical and structural properties of building materials to an analysis of building assemblies and systems. The class examines building systems in wood, steel, concrete, and masonry. The course focuses on the principles of building construction, emphasizing contemporary systems and the specific properties of materials.
Throughout the course, White explored a variety of materials and their applications by designing a unique piece made of wood, concrete, and rubberized concrete.
Environmental Technology I
Fall 2020
Inspired by the opening and closing of a camera lens, a design emerged featuring a circular spiral and octagon at its center. The project's requirements dictated that the design fit within a 12”x12” boundary to facilitate multiple fabrication processes for material exploration.
The initial phase involved creating 2D line drawings to define the design's top view. Subsequently, 3D elements were introduced to add depth, with spiral curves symbolizing the camera's opening and closing moments flowing from the highest level down to the center.
Moving to fabrication, a positive model for the wood component was crafted using a CNC machine. Design decisions considered the CNC router's limitations, such as no undercuts, draft angles less than 2’’, and a 1/4’’ base left at the bottom of the tile.
For the concrete model, a digital inverse model was created and cut from foam using the CNC machine. The foam model served as a mold for pouring concrete, producing the original positive form of the design.
In preparation for the rubberized concrete model, a mold was created from a positive digital model, generating a foam model for vacuum forming out of plastic. Inverting this vacuum form created a mold for pouring the rubberized concrete.
The material exploration culminated at Metromont in Hiram, Georgia. The concrete was poured into the molds, leveled with a scrap piece of wood, and subjected to vibration on the plant's vibration bed to eliminate bubbles. After the curing process, the concrete and rubberized concrete models were removed from the molds for display.
Camera Lens + Material Exploration
First Line Drawing
Second Line Drawing
Final Line Drawing
Wooden Tile
Final Positive Model
Final Negative Model
Second Iteration
First Iteration
Vacuum Formed Plastic Tile
Rubberized Concrete Tile
Concrete Tile
Preparing the Concrete Mold
Preparing the Rubberized Concrete Mold
Leveling the Concrete Pour
Rubberized Concrete Pour